We’re putting our stake in the ground because we believe in the power of eating plants to change the world. We can’t sustain our eating habits as they are today, so that’s why plants are at the core of everything we make. At Earth’s Own we are 100% plant-based, totally Canadian and make zero compromises when it comes to taste!
We Taste BEST!
Enjoying any glass of almond or oat m*lk is better for the planet. They all use less water. Less land. And they all produce less carbon. Ours just taste the best.
We Champion The Plant Project
We know eating more plants is a game changer for the planet, which is why Earth’s Own supports + funds plant-based projects with the same planet saving mission.
We Stand For The Environment
We are obsessed with plants! Why? Because by eating them, collectively we can cut our carbon foodprint by up to half! We love them so much, even our cartons are made from plants!
We do things differently at Earth’s Own. We’re bold. We’re tenacious. We’re purpose-led. Plant-based isn’t a fad or a trendy hashtag to us – it’s about uniting the people and brands who are out there working to change the world. People that are obsessed with plants, just like us!
Stay connected with your favourite plant-based brand (aka us!) and learn about new products, plant-based tips and tricks, and which celebrities are dating. Wait, not that last part (or maybe… better sign-up to find out!).