Category: People/Brands/Companies|Plant-Based Heroes|Why Plants

  • Eat The Scraps

    Eat The Scraps

    According to the National Zero Waste Council’s research on household food waste, almost 2.2 million tonnes of edible food is wasted each year here in Canada. That’s pretty freakin’ crazy! So we reached out to our Earth’s Own Plant Project winner and zero-waste queen Marissa, from Eat the Dishes, to get some of her clever…

  • What The Heck is Hydroponics?

    What The Heck is Hydroponics?

    There’s a rad new way to grow plants and it’s takin’ Canada by storm. It’s called Hydroponics, and if you haven’t heard of it before we’re here to help you out. One of our Plant Project winners, Cruise, is using Hydroponics to bring sustainability into his classroom. So we reached out to him and asked:…