Category: Living Plantiful|Why Plants

  • 6 Reasons To Switch To Oat Milk

    6 Reasons To Switch To Oat Milk

    So you’re standing in the grocery store, hand hovering over your usual, brows furrowed, thinking: “maaaybe I should give oat a try?” Need a few extra reasons to take the plunge? Don’t stress, we’ve got 6 big ones that’ll have you ‘mooo’ving on over to Oat. *sorry, not sorry You Can Save 42,220 litres Of…

  • What does ‘fortified milk’ mean?

    What does ‘fortified milk’ mean?

    Let’s face it, there is lots of info out there on the big wide web. Like, really, what does “fortified milk” even mean, and, is it even good for me? Well, it’s funny you ask. To get to the bottom of all things to do with fortified milk, we sat down for a lil’ Q…

  • 5 things to add to your grocery list to start a plant-based lifestyle

    5 things to add to your grocery list to start a plant-based lifestyle

    Did you have a blast eating 100% plant-based during #ThePlantChallenge on April 22? That’s great! But can you do it again… every day? Don’t be afraid: converting to veganism forever was not compulsory to take part in the challenge. In any case, such a significant change does not happen overnight. For a healthy, balanced and…

  • 6 Legit Benefits Of Almond Milk

    6 Legit Benefits Of Almond Milk

    What’s creamy, versatile, and so delish that nuttin’ tastes better? *sorry, we had to! Yup, we’re talkin’ Almond M*lk! It’s been a plant-based staple for years and years. But what’s with all the hype? So glad you asked. We’re breaking down our top 6 reasons why Almond M*lk is freakin’ awesome! Nuttin’ Tastes better There’s…

  • 6 Easy Tips To Go Plant-Based For Beginners

    6 Easy Tips To Go Plant-Based For Beginners

    Whether you’re a beginner questioning “What is a plant-based diet?” or if you’ve been thinkin’ about making the switch for a long time, we wanna help make your plant-based lifestyle as easy-peasy as possible. Because eating a plant-based is the single biggest thing you can do to protect our planet. Like, just switching one glass…

  • 5 Tips For Reducing Your Waste

    5 Tips For Reducing Your Waste

    Quick question: in your lifetime, how many plastic toothbrushes have you used? If it’s too many to count, you’re not alone. But, like, did you know that every toothbrush made since 1930 still exists today? Yup, every toothbrush you’ve ever owned is sitting somewhere on our Earth. And if we all don’t do our part…